Shocking, hurting, mean attacks on ‘Bergoglio’! Archbishop Viganò reacts to Pope Francis saying all must take Covid Vaccine!


Considerations by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the promotion of the vaccine by the Holy See. Fri Jan 15, 2021


LifeSite News 

14 January 2021


I could not belive it until I read it on LifeSite on 14th .  Still, I didn’t  feel like publishing it because of the scathing, cruel, hurting undiplomatic language  used by Carlo Maria Vigano who signed himself as ‘Archbishop’, but persisted naming Pope as ‘Bergoglio’  – taking credit for the Title while denying it to Francis Papa!


Just Excerpts only!

What is given below is only excerpts from his too long article, just to give you a taste of his thinking. We wrote already that Pope Francis is being attacked, even from the bishops and cardinals he created.


Francis is attacked here for the simple reason for recommending all should take Covid injections which he and Benedict have already taken. Vigano’s complaint is Pope is not equally forceful on matters of FAITH on which alone a Pope should concentrate. Who decides that? not Vigano until he is made Pope.


Himself,  a Sinner!

Francis has alredy given his last word on it when he said we are all just ‘Sisters & Brothers’ (Fratelli tutti) only, not Reverends, Mgrs.,His Excellecies, His Graces, His Eminences or His Holiness – he calls hiself a ‘Sinner’ instead. What he shoud do now is to abolish all those titles at one stroke in the spirit of Fratelli Tutti!


Pope follows Narayana Guru!

There is a great deal to write on this. Very briefly, to my mind, Francis is repeating the same dictum of Sri Narayana Guru: “One God, One religion, One race the Huaman Race, so the whole of humanity may truly become 'Sisters & Brothers’."


For more,  please read powerful media outlets like LifeSite from Canada:  and others who  also are ganged up against Francis. james kottoor editor ccv.


Please read below excerpts only from Vigano


“Of course, in the Bergoglian church de facto concubinage can be legitimized with Amoris Lætitia, to the point that Avvenire speaks today of “LGBT parenting” with the ease of a gender propaganda pamphlet; an idolatrous rite worshiping Mother Earth can be celebrated in Saint Peter’s winking at Malthusian environmentalism; the matter for the Sacrament of Holy Orders can be modified, conferring ministries on women; the death penalty can be declared immoral while casually keeping quiet about abortion; Communion can be administered to public sinners while denying it to those who wish to receive it on the tongue in order not to commit sacrilege; and access to the classroom can be denied for Catholic school students who are not vaccinated, as has already happened in Ireland.


“And yet these blatant adulterations of Catholic doctrine — in perfect ideological continuity with the conciliar revolution — are accompanied by the firm and unshakeable profession of faith in a “science” that borders on esotericism and superstition. On the other hand, when you stop believing in God, you can believe anything.


“Thus, if for Bergoglio belonging to the one Church of Christ through Baptism is ultimately superfluous for the eternal salvation of a soul, the initiatory rite of the vaccine is proclaimed ex cathedra to be indispensable for the physical health of the individual, and as such it is presented as undelayable and necessary. by the media about the pandemic, and the salvific sacrament of the vaccine.


“And if with Fratelli Tutti universal brotherhood can be promoted apart from faith in the One God Living and True, no contact is permitted with so-called “deniers” — a new category of sinners to be avoided — who must be punished as heretics by the health If it is possible to set aside revealed truth in the name of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, it is likewise not licit to question the dogmas of Covid, the revelation made inquisition and media excommunication so as to be made a warning to the flock.


 “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him in your house and do not greet him,” Saint John warns (2 Jn 10). Bergoglio must have misunderstood, and so he greets and embraces abortionists and criminals, but he does not contaminate himself with “anti-vaxxers.


“Bergoglio must now be added as an exceptional supporter, along with the Prelates in his entourage. And if today the lack of specific competency does not seem to be a sufficient argument to lead them to at least maintain a prudent silence, at that point their protests of “I didn’t know…;” “I never imagined…;” “It wasn’t my field of knowledge…;” will be judged only to be a factor that aggravates their offense, as it should be. Stultum est dicere putabam [It is foolish to say, “I thought.”]…… do not be surprised if one day Bergoglio appears in a publicity spot to endorse electric scooters.



“Of course, in the Bergoglian church de facto concubinage can be legitimized with Amoris Lætitia, to the point that Avvenire speaks today of “LGBT parenting” with the ease of a gender propaganda pamphlet; an idolatrous rite worshiping Mother Earth can be celebrated in Saint Peter’s winking at Malthusian environmentalism; can the matter for the Sacrament of Holy Orders can be modified, conferring ministries on women; the death penalty can be declared immoral while casually keeping quiet about abortion; Communion can be administered to public sinners while denying it to those who wish to receive it on the tongue in order not to commit sacrilege; and access to the classroom be denied for Catholic school students who are not vaccinated, as has already happened in Ireland. And yet these blatant adulterations of Catholic doctrine — in perfect ideological continuity with the conciliar revolution — are accompanied by the firm and unshakeable profession of faith in a “science” that borders on esotericism and superstition. On the other hand, when you stop believing in God, you can believe anything.


Someone will object, in a pious attempt to avoid the total collapse of the Papacy carried out by Bergoglio, that the opinions expressed by him are and remain precisely opinions, and that therefore there is no obligation for the Catholic to submit to a vaccine which his conscience and natural morality demonstrate to be immoral. But the new “papal magisterium” has been made explicit right on Canale5, just as it was on the plane that the LGBT dogma “Who am I to judge?” was defined, and just as it was in a footnote of Amoris Lætitia that the indissolubility of marriage was denied in the name of pastoral practice. Politicians put out tweets on social media, self-styled experts pontificate in television studios, and prelates preach in interviews: do not be surprised if one day Bergoglio appears in a publicity spot to endorse electric scooters.


Catholics, illuminated by the sensus fidei that instinctively suggests to them what clashes with Faith and Morals, have already understood that the role of healthcare supply salesman is only one of the many parts played by the polyhedric Bergoglio. The only role that he stubbornly insists on not wanting to fill — because of his blatant incapacity, his innate impatience, or even through his deliberate choice right from the beginning — is the role of Vicar of Christ. Which, if nothing else, reveals the points of reference of the Argentine, the ideology which inspires him, the goals he sets for himself, and the means he intends to use in order to achieve them.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, January 14, 2021


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