Daily Archive: June 10, 2016


1.46 lakh lives lost on Indian roads last year

Road accidents in India By Somesh Jha, in the Hindu, June 10, 2016 The Hindu: Majority of road accident victims are in the 15-34 age group. File photo: K. Ananthan  (Note: It should open everyone’s eyes when they hear that...



Of all creation, only humans are endowed with freedom. Choice involves freedom. Sin or evil and virtue or good deed presuppose choice. Psycho-spiritual growth involves choice. It affects all: theists, agnostics, and atheists. God of theists is considered as Force...


Modi’s popularity on the wane: CPI

According to CPI reporter Staff Reporter in the Hindu, June 9/16 PICKING HOLES:Communist Party of India national general secretary Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy criticized the Narendra Modi Government for its alleged ‘failure’.- Photo: Nagara Gopal Party tears apart corruption-free claims of...