The Holy Bible: the Holy Cow? – a thoroughly researched article!

“Frankly speaking, in the line of Voltaire at its  best for writers and critics! Informing, educative and thought provoking  and elaborately researched article! Right or wrong?

“Who am I, a know-nothing to judge, in the style of Francis Pappa! It is for each reader to judge for oneself after due deliberation!” is the first impression I get at first reading!

He names innumerable greats in world history — nobles or notorious — to crown them with provocative halo to make readers to doubt and question.

One statement I fully agree with is in his concluding para: “The columns of CCV to me, should be a medium to educate and  enhance the knowledge and to encourage logical approach on issues. The aim of CCV to me, is to light a candle to dispel the “darkness at noon!”

To achieve that every reader should react agreeing,  disagreeing, adding new insight, at least questioning. For those who believe in God and his creation story, it is he who started questioning. So be god-like, light a candle, your candle, your insight! 

Each one of you is the greatest wonder in the universe because you are unlike any in the world and so your views have to be totally different from that of the writer or of me. So let us have your view to learn from and thank you.  james kottoor, editor ccv

Read Varghese Pamplanil's Analysis:

The first part of Chottebhai’s article in CCV captioned “Is Religion Dead “ is passé.  He seems to be on a mission to “butter” (maska) the ecclesiastical by his recommendation  to continue donations, even if believers do not attend churches.So long as there is uninterrupted flow of funds to the coffers of the clerics, all is well. 

Organised religions on the Blackfoot?

The second part of the write up tilted “Sequel to ‘Is Religion Dead’”  seems to take the trophy for Orwellian “no speak and double speak” and prime example of Jaques Derrida’s “deconstruction” theory.

Fables are not historical facts. What can one say of anyone who readily swallows the desiccated, prepackaged, pulverised and regurgitated material served up by the church in the guise of authenticity. The official version of the Church on Jesus, Christianity, Bible etc. are doctored versions in the guise of factual history. Reading the four gospels horizontally and simultaneously will expose the dichotomies and contradictions therein. The bible is written backwards to substantiate the  given agenda of the day. A critical enquiry is required to separate grains from the chaff. The problem with the credulous: they swallow everything with their critical faculties closed.

The causes of the decline of religion in the West

The reasons for the decline of organised religions in Western world  adduced by him is too simplistic. No doubt, the demise of feudalism, the onset of Industrial Revolution, migration of the serfs to the emerging industrial areas for jobs and livelihood are contributing factors. By the way, the prosperity of Europe, particularly Great Britain, Germany and France, was built on the exploitation of colonies and the hard labour of the working class who toiled for long hours in appalling conditions.They lived in the squalor at  the periphery of cities. They had little time to enjoy the niceties of life.

The surplus returns accrued to the capitalists in the form of profit came out of the  sweat and blood of the proletariat. The thesis of Karl Marx in Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto is right up to a point.The colonisation of Asia and Africa enabled the western countries to plunder raw materials cheaply and sell  finished products with high margins resulting in the increase of the wealth of European countries: Great Britain, France, Germany, Holland Belgium etc. 

Traders landed first, soldiers with superior arms followed and established hegemony over Asia and Africa. Missionaries came in droves spreading the Christian religion. They brought with them hard liquor and meat based food. They adopted all the means  to establish loyal fifth columns.The aggressive onslaughts of presbyters to spread the irreligion and their ways of life did not succeed significantly in Asia except in Philippines because India, China and Japan had possessed heritages and cultures far superior to that of  the West.

Did the Christian religion  whose underpinning ethos is touted as  brotherly love care to lift even its little finger to ameliorate the misery of the downtrodden? Nope! Leaders of organised religions  have all along been in cahoot with the well healed upper class where the goodies are available in plenty. Poverty, self denial and the promise of pie in the sky are for the illiterate, superstitious folk. The clerics jolly well  know which side of the bread is buttered. Whatever the working class achieved was the result of their unrelenting struggles.


The person who shook the intellectual foundation of Europe is  Copernicus, a humble polish monk. His book “On the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs” published posthumously sent convulsions in the thinking of Europe as never before. “The voice from Poland saying that this earth, footstool of God and the home of his redeeming pilgrimage, was a minor satellite of a minor sun….. this soil on which we stand is a passing thing, transiently compact of elements that will disintegrate and leave not a wrack behind…..And God who had been closer than hands and feet, and who had seemed to inhabit the friendly and flowing clouds, disappeared into the far reaches of an illimitable space. It was as if the walls of a man’s house had been torn down by some blind and angry wind, leaving him unsheltered in the darkness of infinity….

With him modernity begins. With him secularism begins. With him reason makes its French Revolution against a faith immortality enthroned, and man commences his long effort to rebuild with thought the shattered palace of his dreams. Heaven become mere sky and space and nothingness or it descends upon the earth and breeds visions of Utopia in the hungry hearts of men who once hoped for Paradise. It was as if the fable Plato told of gods who had cared for man till then had come of age, and then disappeared, leaving him to the devices of  his own intelligence.”

Charles Darwin

“And then Darwin came and the war waged anew.,,,We cannot know now what Darwin’s work may finally  mean in the history of mankind. But it may well be that for posterity, his name will stand as a turning point in the intellectual development of Western civilisation…..For what did Darwin do but offer quietly, and with a disarming humility, a world picture totally different from that which had contended the mind of man before? We had supposed that it was a world of order, moving under divine guidance and omnipotent intelligence to just and perfect fulfilment in which every virtue would find at last its fit reward. But Darwin, without attacking any creed, described what he had seen.

Suddenly the world turned red, and nature, which had been so fair in autumn’s colours under the setting sun, seemed to be only a scenery of slaughter and strife, in which birth was an accident, and only death a certainty. ‘Nature became ‘natural selection’ that is, a struggle  for existence, and not for existence merely, but for mates and power…….The surface of the earth seethed with warring species and competing individuals, every organism was prey of some larger beast; every life was lived at the expense of some other life….millions and millions of living things were weeded out, were quickly or slowly killed. Some species and some individuals survived for a little while—this was evolution. This was nature, this was reality.

“Copernicus had reduced the earth to a speck among melting clouds; Darwin reduced man to an animal fighting for his transient mastery of the glob. Man was no longer the son of God; he was the son of strife”. 

Galileo was forced to recant and Bruno was burned at the stake alive for his refusal to recant his strongly held conviction that there is no absolute truth and the universe is infinite teaming with many heavenly bodies. While the pope who ordered his burning is reviled, Bruno’s memory is the lodestar of modern science. 

Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Spinoza, Hume et al

If Chottebhai cares to remove the blinkers from his eyes, he would see that “Jesus Christ, the Superstar” is the creation of the pen of an  artist out of imagination and not any well thought out matter. The popes and other ecclesiastics who ruled under “divine right” theory dragged humanity to the mire of superstition and ignorance. 

It was thinkers and writers such as Adam Smith, Bacon, Beccaria, Baruch, Descartes, Diderot, Hume, Kant, Rousseau and especially Voltaire, who lighted the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, the French Revolution, secularism and humanism. There are many others who enriched the human civilisation. To name a few: Democritus, Epicures, Marcus Aurelius, Abelard, Galileo, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Mary Wollstonecraft, Susan Antony.  Countless others who strode this earth and whose ideas lifted humanity to a higher level. They provided the beacon of light that removed the overwhelming darkness that obscured the way to human progress. 

The more than 10,000 so called saints of the Catholic Church such as Alphonsa of  Barananganam, Alphonsus Liguori, Ambrose,  Anne, Antony, Augustine of Hippo (the fornicator) Francis Xavier (the drunkard inquisitor)  Helena (the bar girl), John Paul II( the actor turned zealot) Maria Goretti (whose only merit was  resisting forced sex) and others including the scum, Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer. (Chottebhai may have to rake his brain to find out who the last named rake is), did hardly anything for the benefit of human kind.

“It was Voltaire who introduced to France the mechanics of Newton and the psychology of Lock , and thereby began the great age of Enlightenment. …Was his influence destructive?…Shall we abandon the objectivity of his judgement we proudly assumed and reject the laughing philosopher of Ferny  because what he thought was different from our own?….Beneath the recrudescence of ancient beliefs amid which we live, the influence of Voltaire quietly persists. As all Europe in the century bowed to the spectre of his pen, so the great leaders of the mind in later centuries have honoured him as the fountain head of intellectual enlightenment of our time.” Diderot whose prediction of the decline of Christianity within 300 years of his time has been proven correct.Rousseau’s influence on the Frnch society was no less. There are many others who  kept the light of reason burning.

French Revolution

‘The French Revolution must be taken not as a single self contained event but as the political signature to economic to psychological factors  that accumulated for centuries. Perhaps it began in 1543, when Copernicus published his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs”, for then began the twilight of the gods and the liberation of man. Cast here upon this petty earth, no longer the center of things but an incident, forced to realise that humanity is an interlude in biology, biology an interlude in geology. ..,and geology an interlude to astronomy, man was left to shift and think for himself. Thought became free and boundless and fought its way out of superstition and ecclensiasticsmm”. 

On 14 July 1789, a mob of enraged French peasants attacked the Paris prison called the Bastille, freeing the prisoners and razing it to the ground. Centuries of oppression had created popular ferment which was directed against the prison as a symbol of the hated of Old Regime.

The French Parliament, the Estates-General had not met for parliamentary business since 1614. Most of the land was owned by the clergy and nobility, who also monopolised positions of power in the church, army and government. They were remarkably skilful too at evading taxation. More than 96% of the French population were peasants who were frequently exploited by the privileged aristocracy. The middle class was better off financially but equally vulnerable to abuse by the privileged.

Thinkers like Voltaire helped to fan the fires of discontent. Another Enlightenment thinker was Denis Diderot. Together with D’ Alembert he championed science and rejected traditional Catholic thought.  A third influential writer of pre-revolutionary France was Jean-Jaques Rousseau. 

In the event, change came through more practical means. In August, the Old Regime was brought to an end when the “Declaration of the Rights of Man” was published. The church was divested of its extensive land holdings and dealt with the enactment: Civil Constitution of the Clergy. The diocesan boundaries were redrawn, the number of bishops were reduced ; bishops and priests were to be elected by the people etc. Nobles and clergy who opposed the Revolution were summarily executed. King Louis XVI was guillotined on 21 January 1793. To cap it all, the pope was made irrelevant.

Circular reasoning of Chottebhai

Chottebhai’s approach is what is known as “circular reasoning”, viz., it is written in the Bible and the Bible is the “word of God”. So an argument based on the Bible is always right. Any thesis  based on this premise is likely to win Nobel Prize for absurdity! Either Chottebhai is ignorant of the way the Bible took shape over the centuries with add ons, terminological inexactitudes, manipulations, papering over inaccuracies, suppression of historical facts and what not?

New Testament 

According to Dr James Gurudas, PhD in Christology from Germany, a priest for the last 60 plus years,  who currently teaches at a CMI seminary, the Bible is based on fragments of four hand written manuscripts (codexes) Viz., Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Ephraemi Rescriptus, and Alexandrinus. The first two were composed in the 4th century and the remaining two in the 5th century. Mark 16.9 to 20 are not found in the manuscripts of the 4th century. The conclusion: the Bible is no god inspired/dictated book and most of it is composed in accordance with the view of the writer.

To quote David Churton : “Everything in New Testament has been fingered, lifted, compared, sewn in, re-sewn, interpreted, reinterpreted, over intterpreted, attacked, defended, denied, obscured, translated, transliterated, transmogrified, or tranquillised, infinitely annotated, theologically violated sacred text.There are so many commentaries, concordances, conferences, councils, canonical constipations, foot-notes, references, cross references, indexes, cross indexes, critical evaluations by liberals, conservatives, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, communists, racists, philologists, evangelicals, popes, bishops, priests, pundits, persons known and unknown, radicals, nuns, revisionists, rock’n’rollers, journalists, nobodies, and numbskulls, that any kind of fair assessment has become an impossibility. You simply join one of the schools of thoughtand get on with, or not. The New Testament has been fought over for so long that it has ceased to make any kind of coherent sense, sensible in all aspects in all its parts to everybody. As is common knowledge any one can find a quote to support his argument. And that is basically what the New Testament is, or has become: a bag of quotes, copy right free. It cannot prove anything that everybody will agree with”

The Galilean Jesus was no theologian. He was illiterate. He could speak only Aramaic. Why there is no record of any  writing of Jesus at least in his native tongue? He was a wandering exorcist and healer who prophesied the advent of the “Kingdom of Heaven” to a people groaning  under the tyranny of Rome and the rank exploitation of the avaricious Jewish priesthood, the lackeys of Roman Empire. To suggest that he established a monarchical church with layers and layers  of various types of priestly class requires suspension of intelligence and turning logic upside down. Jesus has been made a figure larger than life by the Church to fool the gullible. He is an artificial being with changing faces to suit the purposes of vested interests. He did exist. But who was he and what is his real message?

The Christian Church adopted the theology of Plato whole scale. The early Church Fathers were great admirers of Plato. For the church Aristotle was an apostle far above Peter.

Old Testament 

Is Chottebhai aware of the Mesopotamian “creation” epic “Enuma Elish”? Genesis 2.4–23 is word  by word repetition of the Mesopotamian creation myth. Has he heard of the Sumerian epic Gilgamesh, a major source of Hebrew religious thinking?

He should realise that the name of Moses like members of his family is Egyptian. Possible that young Moses knew of the ‘reform” of Akhen-en-Aton (1375- 1350 BCE), solar monotheism. The analogy of Egyptian and Hebrew religions is telling, “Aton” the only god could the concept behind the Hebrew god Yahweh and Akhen-en-Aton’s “instruction’ is comparable to Torah”.

‘Exodus’ did not involve whole people, only the group led by Moses. Moses crossed the ‘sea of reads’ and not the Red Sea. Departure from Egypt was  consequent upon Moses, one among the 150 children of the Pharaoh from his 100 wives, killing one of his siblings. The departure from Egypt was put in relation with the celebration of Passover, an archaic sacrifice  peculiar to nomadic herders and practiced for millennia by the ancestors of Israelites which was revalorised and incorporated into the sacred history of Yahwism; a ritual belonging to cosmic religiosity: pastoral festival of spring, burning the dead vegetation. The  “resurrection” of new life, was interpreted as the commemoration of a historical event. “The transformation of religious structures of the cosmic life into events of sacred history” is the characteristic of Yahwistic monotheism and was taken up by Christianity.

Chottebhai seemed have swallowed the Nativity  scene depicted by Luke without even a pinch of salt. Can any person with a modicum of common sense believe the yarn that Joseph took the full term pregnant Mary all the way from Nazarethin Galilee to Bethlehem near Jerusalem in the southern  part of Israel?

James F. Strange New Testament scholar and Biblical Archeology Professor at the University of South Florida, Tampa observes that many  have no idea how difficult it was to travel 90 miles from Nazareth through the banks of River Jordan to the hills of Jerusalem and on to Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph forced to wear heavy cloths to ward off the harsh cold heavy rains of December. Nine month pregnant Mary could at best traverse 10 miles per day. Historians are unanimous that no census as described in the Bible happened. Only utter fools will believe the crap that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to fulfil the prophecy  that the Messiah of the Jews would take birth where Jacob encountered the Semitic God Yahweh. 

The Gospel of Philip says “Some claim that Mary’s conception was immaculate. They’re mistaken, women cannot conceive from Holy Spirit, which is feminine.”

Professor James D. Tabor, high profile biblical archaeologist, a distinguished scholar and chair of the department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina’s Charlotte, USA, based on his  archeological discoveries and over 25 years of ground breaking research has come to the conclusion that the biological father of Jesus was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, a Roman soldier stationed in Sepphoris, garrison town and  administrative headquarters of Romans in Galilee, very close to the hamlet of Nazareth.

He surmises that either Mary was raped or seduced by the said former slave from Sidon, was  set free by Emperor Tiberius. Joseph would have married the pregnant Mary to preserve the reputation of his community. The leaned professor says that after  the death of Joseph, in accordance with the Jewish custom of the day, Mary was given in marriage to Clophas, brother of Joseph; the couple had children named James, Joses, Judas, Simon, Mary and Salome. The fact that the Bible studiously avoids the very mention of Sepphoris hints a conspiracy of silence!

As to the missing years of Jesus, the explanation could be, with the stamp of illegitimacy stamped on his forehead, Jesus would have left home till he made his appearance around the age of 30. 

Arnold J. Toynbee in his magnum opus “A Study of History observes that Maccabean king Alexander Jannaeus (102-76 BCE) forcibly converted the highly resistant “Galilee of Gentles “ to Judaism. Then how come that Joseph came from the House of David, the Jew?.

This gentleman seems to be totally ignorant about the person known as Jesus. Nobody knows his real name  or his date of birth, who he was really, what he actually did, what were his activities and in region of Israel he operated, when he was hanged, a punishment exclusively reserved for slaves and those who rebelled against Rome or he who had pretensions of kingship. He seemed to have created a ruckus at  the Jerusalem Temple, a tinder box ready to explode for the slightest provocation. The Christians make a virtue of a human tragedy.

Did Jesus established Christian Religion?

I wonder as to the basis of the claim of Chottebhai that the Christian religion was established by Jesus. He has no idea how the Christian religion came into being.  Biblical scholars are unanimous of the view that the death of JesusJames. He along with Peter and John remained in Jerusalem waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven prophesied by Jesus. Only circumcised Jews abiding by the Jewish dietary laws was admitted to the group. 

Paul of Tarsus, a hellenised Jew, a Roman citizen, a business man engaged in erecting huge tents made of cured animals, enter the scene in the  early 40’s of the Common Era, about 15 years after the death of the Galilean Jesus founded the religion called Christianity based on the alleged encounter with the ghost of resurrected Christ. He never met the Galilean nor did he take notice of his message. He quarrelled  with Peter on the issue of admitting uncircumcised gentiles to his brand of religion. The recruits to his outfit was not required to follow the Jewish dietary laws. During his business trips to various places of the Empire he could find new recruits to his organisation. Being a Roman was an advantage which the Jesus movement of James and Peter lacked. Some scholars even suggested Paul was a stooge of the Romans because of the abrupt somersault from his role of the prosecutor of the followers of Jesus to  set up a mutilated version in the name of the Galilean. 

A twist happened to the Pauline Christianity was recognised, out of political expediency Emperor Constantine recognised it. An ardent  devotee of Sol Invictus, the Un-conquerable Sun, Constantine ensured that the Sun continued to be worshiped by declaring the day of the Sun, SUNDAY as the day of prayer. 

The above explanation may be suffice to convince Chottebhai and others like him that Jesus did not establish the Christian religion.

Peter in Rome?

The audacious claim that the Church wad built on the Rock of Peter was patently fallacious; Jesus making Peter in charge of the Jesus made Church was a terminological inexactitude interpolated  in the Bible much later. As already explained ante Jesus did not establish any religion or Church.

Brown University Religious Studies professor Nicola Denzey Lewis has this to say on the subject: “Jesus chief disciple Peter (also called Simon Peter also called Cephas) has been associated with Rome for nearly 2000 years. The earliest testimony to the apostle Peter’s presence in Rome is a letter from a Christian deacon Gaius. Writing probably around 170 or 180 CE Gaius about the wondrous things in Rome including something called a tropaion where Peter established a church (now St. Peter’s Basilica ) …..Interestingly the Bible says nothing about Peter ever travelling to Rome. When the gospels end, Peter is in Jerusalem. It’s same in the Book of Acts. Paul in his letters also talks about meeting Peter in the eastern Mediterranean. After Jesus’ death, Paul says that Jesus’s brother James are the co-leaders of the ‘church’ or assembly, of Jesus-followers in Jerusalem. In short there is no early textual evidence for Peter in Rome…..It is hard  to believe that he ever travelled there. 

Not only is it a very long way. According  to the New Testament, Peter was a fisherman who was not very educated and who spoke only Aramaic, he was not the type of person that travel widely across the Roman Empire to a large city where Latin and Greek were the dominant languages. The absence of connection between Peter and Rome in the New Testament, the lack of references to him in earliest Roman Christian literature, and we know of Peter’s background and character all combine to make it unlikely that he ever went to Rome” 

Then, the Church is notorious for fudging facts. Frauds are its staple diet, prime example “The Constantine Donation”. Chottebhai please take note. 

On God

If god exists it is okay for me; I will not loose my shirt, if IT is  not there.(I cannot call the deity he or she, so prefer IT). If IT has created everything and in charge, IT has to take care everything, inanimate and animate, including the amoeba and the algae . Many doubt the existence of any God especially a benign one  because of the all pervading pain and suffering in the world. One can make own choice in the matter. On day soon, science, especially quantum physics, may find an answer. Let it be and let the sleeping dog lie; it’s bark is preferable to its bite, but barking dogs seldom bite; it is a consolation.

People like Chottebhai should undertake some serious  reading and investigation. He may refrain from parading his inflated egoism in the public domain. Simply because he has some admirer among the associates of CCV should not be used to parade his self importance.

Allow me to recommend a few books for Chottebhai’s reading , if he cares, the ones  written by Geza Vermes, Professor Emeritus of Oxford University, fellow of European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities and recognised authority on Dead Sea Scrolls, is Some of his books of interest are “Authentic Gospel of Jesus”, “Changing  Faces of Jesus” “The Nativity”, “Resurrection” “The Passion” “The Resurrection” etc.“The Unauthorised Version (of Bible) by Robin Lane Fox is worth perusal. Some others are: “The Roots of Christianity” by Michael Walsh, ex-Jesuit priest, prominent  Catholic commentator, editor of The Dictionary Christian Biography, columnist of Tablet,long term librarian of Heythrop College, London,“The Eunuchs for Heaven” and the sequel “Putting Away Childish Things” by Uta Ranke-Heinemann, first woman  PhD in Catholic theology in Germany and former professor of Catholic theology in Essen University will be an eye opener.The numerous books on bible written by Bart D. Erhman, “This Tragic Gospel” by Louis A. Ruprecht JR, “Absolute Truth” by Edward Stourten , “Marian Conspiracy” by Graham Philips, “Adam, Eve and the Serpent ‘ by Elaine Pagels are a few books are of great interest. “My Struggle for Freedom” describes in detail, the manipulations and coverups and  sabotages resorted by the Curia then headed by the arch conservative Cardinal Ottavani, half blind and senile son of a baker from Trastevere, Italy. If Chottebhai wants to know the single minded and assiduous manner in which Pope John Paul II reversed the epoch making and path breaking decisions of Vatican II, no better book than “God’s Politician– John Paul II and Vatican” by David Tully, long time correspondent of BBC in Vatican.The basics of comparative religion is available in Dr. S. Radhakrishnan’s “Eastern Religions and Western Thought”.The list is too long to narrate in this presentation. The books to be recommended too many to be included here.

The message of pessimism 

The Catholic Church  teaches its followers to hate his  own body, as its view, human body is an embodiment of evil which tempts an individual to sin. The Church posits  that acting according to the inborn human instinct, necessary for the perpetuation of the species is the root of original sin.  Can there be any other worse proposition? Is it not the worst crime against the humans?  The advice of the clerical to deny life and its  glorification of poverty (which being set at not on the sly by the  clerics behind the iron curtain secrecy and mystery surreptitiously) are beyond  the comprehension of any rational mind with the minimum of common sense and iota of intelligence). One can only pity the credulous.

The track record of the Abrahamic religions with their books claimed to be the Word of their respective god has created mayhem of wanton murders of even innocent children and  rapes of helpless women. The aim of human institutions ought to be enrichment of human culture and civilisation and improving the “ human condition.” 

The inanities

The witnessing of the Way of the Cross  by Chottebhai during his visit to Jerusalem does not vouchsafe that Jesus  carried a huge cross to the place of his hanging. The Romans would not have allowed him the luxury of pausing at 14 stations chatting, advising and even admonishing,  if any, accompanying him to the place of his execution. His final journey would not have been any picnic. He would have been made to carry some nondescript pole and the elaborate one with a cross-piece inscribed with INRI is the product of fantasy. The whole passion narrative is suitable for a macabre play.

Incidentally the Christians adopted the pagan cross as a religious  symbol only after the fourth century. It was Helena the mother of Constantine was the person who discovered the original cross intact after four hundred years? The credulous will swallow any nonsense without even blinking the eyes! During the relic hunting days of the christians so many pieces of the cross collected were enough to build many ships.

The trips of Chottebhai  were described as momentous and  earth shaking! One should marvel at his bloated ego and self importance! His portrait with a rosary around his neck is surreal. He  seems to arrogate himself as the new oracle of the Catholic Church!!!

There are a few sayings in Malayalam, which may be  apt in the present context “Sometimes the lowly worm may raise its head and arrogate itself as a deadly ferocious hissing cobra”, “in the land of ‘no nose’ people, the half nosed will be the king” and “in the loft, the house mouse will be the king of beasts; among pigmies with sparse curly hair, a slightly taller one with a mop of hair will  be the ‘Kamadevan’"

I have scant respect for  persons who foist such upstarts on the readers of CCV. The columns of CCV to me, should be a medium to educate and  enhance the knowledge and it encourage logical approach on issues.The aim of CCV to me, is to light a candle to dispel the “darkness at noon”


Cinderella and other fairy tales are enjoyable to read as  diversion.. So also ‘Alice in Wonderland” But no one takes them seriously . Some are inclined to believe the even the  Unicorn. That can’t be helped.

The bench mark for me personally is weather the idea, proposition or thesis should facilitate the improvement of human condition and enhance human happiness, others I would like to dismiss out right.

Varghese Pamplanil

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