Situation Ecthics of Francis Pappa?

Received from Bombay Laity

                 (Note: This  letter by an Italian Journalis was forwarded by Bombay Laity.  Its content helps one to see how Pope Francis the most world-acclaimed  Pope is also becoming the most controversial person for many of  his followsers. It only shows that wheat and weed grow together in the paddy fields of the Lord. Neither is to be destroyed till the harvesting season, one to be preserved, other to be cast away. If some of the relations of Francis are not exemplars of Family life, he is not to be blamed. Who among us do not have rotten apples in our own Families? One can speak derogatively of  “Situation Ethics” as if it is totally wrong. How can that be? On the day of judgement, if there is one, each of us can be and will be judged only on the basis of the particular situation in which we lived, not on the basis of a general rule applicable to all. Truth is general  rules and principles exist and operate in our  minds for guidance,  not for judging individuals caught in various good or bad situations, for James Kottorno fault of their own. The complaint about the Euros spent to conduct two synods sounds like the complaint in the gospel about Mary who anointed the feet of Jesus with costly ointments, which her critics thought could have been better spent to help the poor. james kottoor,  editor)

 Subject: Amoris Laetitiae  –  for favour of publication


Respected Italian journalist Antonio Socci wrote: “The Apostolic Exhortation is an open act challenging two thousand years of Catholic teaching. And in Catholic circles people are shocked and struck dumb in bewilderment.”

 John Vennari, Catholic lawyer of international repute and editor of Catholic Family News, USA, now writes: "Amidst great drifts of verbiage – some not bad, some remarkably tedious – Francis effectively canonizes situation ethics. He furtively opens the door for Communion to the divorced and remarried on a ‘case-by-case’ basis, which destroys key elements of Catholic Moral Theology.In particular, his approach undermines recognition of intrinsically disordered acts, and once this is undermined in one area, it is undermined in all areas."

 Was the exercise of two Synods on the Family and the expenditure of several million Euros on themby  a "to-be poor Church"  engineered to dispense mercy in the Novus Ordo "communion" particularly to Pope Francis's sister, Maria Elena, who has divorced her husband and to the pope's nephew, Jose Ignacio Bergoglio, and his live-in lover, Marina Muro?

John Menezes, 7 Esperanca, S. Bhagatsingh Road, Mumbai 400001

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