Make Christmas Happy? Santa Claus, Is He Real? Joseph Mani

Once a little girl wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper:

Dear Editor

My name is Margaret. I am 7 years old. I have a doubt. My parents always told me that Santa Claus was real. But by best friend Lisa’s parents told her that Santa Claus was not real, it is a myth. Sir, please tell me who is right. Is Santa Claus real? Thank you, Margaret. 

The editor did not reply to Margaret directly. He published her letter and his reply in the newspaper.

Dear Margaret

Thank you for your letter. Your parents are right. Santa Claus is real.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you love someone.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you hug someone. Santa Claus becomes real whenever you hug someone.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you forgive someone who has hurt you.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you say sorry to someone you have hurt.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you help someone in need.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you accept someone for what she is and not for what you want her to be.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you respect and accept someone whose beliefs and behaviours are different from yours.

Santa Claus becomes real whenever you respect and accept yourself for what you are.

So, dear Margaret, Santa Claus is real.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a 2019 which, let us hope, will bring more harmony and peace to humanity.

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