Jesus’ Wife, Chhotebhai James kottoor, ticklish talk

CCV’s friend Chhotebhai,  a well-known writer, comments on the ticklish news bit “Jesus’ wife” and CCV editor dr. james  replies.  Now to you Chhotebhai:

Chhotebhai, 22 June 2016


              This alleged papyrus story appeared several years ago. What’s new? Also your Chottebhaicolouring and underlining of text is an assault on the senses of the reader. 

              Let the reader decide what is important or otherwise. An editor should be like the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, who speaks the least and leaves the floor open to others.


Dear Little Great  Brother,

               You are perfectly right to say that the Papyrus bit is years old but the scientific research article by Dr. Albert Mohler, is quite new, and how can it be meaningfully presented without the background about Papyrus? Don’t we need a black board to write with Chalk?

               Besides if “old is gold,” shouldn’t we recall it often? Don’t you fondly recall to memory thoughts of your parents and grandies  sweetly?

          As for colouring and underlining text, I am thankful for your questioning? It gives me a chance to explain it to our readers. Editorial Notes is the signature of CCV, our distinguishing trait. It helps our readers who are not as smart as you to grasp quickly. Most of our readers are not as smart as you but dull like me, slow to understand. They need a lot of explaining to grasp. So don’t call it an “assalt” please, it is CCV’s caress to the weaklings among our readers and our concern for the little ones among us, which Jesus wants us to make our first priority.           

              Also your suggestion to be like the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, is welcome. But the editor of CCV is not a Speaker who speaks least, nor does he want to preside over a Lok Shabha which never listens  or discusses but only shouts and use fists like unruly urchins.

               CCV anticipated your question long, long ago and therefore even wrote an article explaining: What is Editorial Notes?  So thank you Chhotebhai, for giving us an opportunity to call the attention of our  readers to it once again. Printing it here will be too long. So please read it in the attachment or CCV  June 4/16.

                Please keep provoking us like this with the service of a devil’s advocate often, James Kottorwhich we consider as the best service to make CCV really a Forum of discussion, of Frankly Speaking, a battle field of ideas and not a battle with fists. Tnank you once again, Bhai.

               james kottoor, yor elder brother.

PS: Read the article: Editorial Notes: Chief Editor: for benefit of Readers,  What is  Editorial Notes?,How it helps CCV Readers,  in CCV June    4/16.

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1 Response

  1. almayasabdam says:

    In between I would like to share one important thing. In one of the popupar Malayalam publications, Malayala Manorama, an article appeared in this regard a few days back:

    It says that the papyrus roll in question is fake. The post also states that even Karen L King himself has denied its authenticity. I'm sure that JK will go through the link and read the article written in Malayalam.


    Joseph Mattapally

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