Fr Jothi S.J. responds to George’s reaction to Fr Cedric’s article

17 December 2019

11:30 am

Letter to the Editor

I understand Mr. Georges' comments to Cedric!

I think he personifies the Christians in India and Catholics in particular today..!

Besides, being a pathetic mute spectators to all that is happening today, some of us tend to think that we are in safe heavens..! We even tend to understand the RSS-run BJP government sympathetically..! I would call this a shame..! 

Please read the signs all around you.  Young and old, illiterate and intellectuals have come on the streets to fight for survival..! 

We need to be 'pro-active' at this critical time of today and join hands with every level-minded people and concerned citizens of India and the world who want to save, our only option, the 'Constitution of India', which has been assaulted violently by the Hindutva goons with their brute number in the parliament. 

If we are silent today, we shall be cursed by our future..!

I deeply felt the need to be a part of the protest 'Not in my Name' at Jantarmantar on 14th and so joined the lakhs of people gathered there and I could feel the presence of my Liberative Jesus shouting "Role Back CAA" and I joined him shouting the same …! I shall do at every chance I get and will proclaim even from pulpit that protecting our Constitution is our Holy responsibility..!

Jothi SJ

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