Three cheers to President  Trump

James kottoorMake America the Greatest!

dr.james kottoor “Where is the Capital of United States of America?” I remember asking this question, to kids and friends, pretending I knew a great deal. That was when I was studying journalism at Marquette in the 1950es. You all know where the capital is. And most of them, not all, told me: Its in Washinton DC.     

Then I would object rather seriously and say: It is not! Then some would retort, some nicely, some furiously and ask: “Then where is it?” And my simple reply used to be: “It is all over the world!” America has been making the whole world rich! American capital took flight and got deposited itself in all the countries of the world. Now the new president Donald Trump wants to bring back all that capital to US to make America rich again. That was the sum and substance of the President’s  inaugural speech. I don’t blame him at all for that. Why should I? Instead to him, goes all my praise

 In my question at the outset, by ‘Capital’ I was referring to: “Das Capital” (The Capital, in German) of the Commies, meaning, “wealth, investment resources in dollars”(Not the headquarters of US).  America has been and still is investing in other countries to have a foothold everywhere, but  not investing so much, at least to the extend needed at home in US itself, in health, education, homes for homeless, poverty alleviation areas etc. of their  own people. Charity begins at home. Put your own home in order first, that is, the homes of the poor in America first, before becoming the top Good Samaritan of the world, or the Super policeman fighting some one else’s war in foreign lands, or  an exporter of American version of Democracy to countries infested with illiteracy. Hasn’t this election prove beyond all doubt how faulty and crippling is American democracy trying to prop itself up on two crutches – electoral college votes and popular votes? Which country in the world wants this kind of voting system?

Of course  American Capital (wealth) must be shared but not at the cost of starving to death its own children, its own citizens, white or black, WASP(white-anglo-saxon-protestant) or otherwise. On this point, is not the New President hundred percent correct? I quote from the President’s  own speech: “We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon. One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions upon millions of American workers left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed across the entire world.”(Recall what I said at the outset:Capital of US is all over the world!)

The whole speech of President Trump could have  a come from the mouth of an Indian President or prime Ministers like Manmohan or Modiji, with small changes of few names to suit India and the whole world would have applauded. The problems facing America and India are almost identical: a corrupt and corrupting political class looting the poor to fatten themselves! Three cheers to the newly elected President and congrats to his speech writer.

Just one small problem only! Now the President is on record. He has bound himself in so many knots in public view of the whole world  with ever so many  solemn promises. He can’t now wriggle out  without performing, without implementing every one of those solemnly given promises, assurances!

Here comes the  serious duty of all Americans which Obama your former president of beautiful mind and noble heart, reminded you in his farewell speech, quoting Thomas Paine: “The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government.”  And you now have the power because the President has said so, listen: Because today we are…. transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People”…. “we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another.” What more clarity you need from your president?

So wake up all Patriotic Americans, your new government is President Donald Trump as unfolded before you in his inaugural speech on January 20th. Each one of you are to be the watchman/woman to make sure that he does not deviate one bit from the path he has marked out for himself and his government. Already he has started implementing his promises one by one.

That will make America  truly the greatest country in the world, truly that shining city seated on a mountain top, to the envy of nations! God bless the new president! God bless Great America, nay the Greatest!

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