An Open letter to all servants of God


Dr. Thomas Mathai, AOG, Bombay

It is more than 2000 years we received the gospel through St.Thomas who ultimately gave his life for His Master. He could never visit his dear ones after his exit from Jerusalem. He took unexplainable way of sufferings to reach the gospel to the unreached areas. However, still the percentage of Christians in India is very poor. It seems we travel with the speed of a SNAIL and we will not be able to accomplish the Herculean task even if we are given another period of 5000 years. When the President of US, John F Kennedy was shot dead the news was spread like wild fire within few hours. However, vast majority of Indian people still does not know who is LORD JESUS CHRIST.

It seems that many of our actions are not approved by our Lord Jesus Christ as we plan our programmes without consulting with our Master by sitting in prayer and fasting. I do not blame anybody at all but I have to tell the truth. Of course we have very dedicated and sincere leadership to carry on the GREAT COMMISSION.


While we put all our sincere efforts to reach gospel to the unreached areas we run for large number of people forgetting many times to keep up the QUALITY enshrined in the New Testament by our Lord Jesus Christ. There should be a SPIRIT ORIENTED DISCIPLINE in our worship and other spiritual gatherings. A newly comer should say that the presence of God is in our midst.

2. There is a saying like this; IF WEALTH IS LOST NOTHING IS LOST, IF HEALTH IS LOST SOMETHING IS LOST, IF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER LOST THEN EVERY THING IS LOST” – In our hot pursuit to reach glorious gospel many a time we do not give TOP PRIORITY for the Christ like life in our personal lives. LUXURIOUS AND POMPOUS LIFE is deadly against the spirit of Holy Bible and the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ. A servant of God and the believer should know that there are millions of people in India who do not have a one time good meal in a day.

3. TAKE PERMISSION FROM OUR MASTER LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Holy Bible says whatever we do in word or deed; all should be done in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to Almighty God. Many times we do not sit in fasting and prayer before taking actions to reach gospel to the unreached areas and we utterly fail in our deeds.

4. COLLECTION OF MONEY AND WEALTH: Many servants of God travel extensively for gospel work and collect money but they do not spend the same for gospel activities. They build huge mansions and purchase very costly vehicles. Our God sees every action which we perform. We should not OVEREMPHASIZE TO COLLECT MONEY AND WEALTH for gospel work as we have to follow the SAME PATTERN adopted by our Lord Jesus Christ. A rich man came to follow Lord Jesus Christ but Lord Jesus told him “ Mathew 19:21 “21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Jesus never asked him to help His ministry. The present way of collecting money is not as per the WORD OF GOD. Money oriented collection of gospel work will fail utterly. Every rupees has to be spent with care and permission from our Master as otherwise the wrath of God will come upon such people in this world itself. We have to trust upon the ABUNDANT GRACE OF GOD and POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

5. THE GREED FOR RETAINING ADMIN POSTS AND ROTTEN POLITICS: From the practical point of view I have noticed that some of our leaders want to retain their posts by HOOK OR CROOK and they will never allow the capable young generation to come up. Of course, we have very decent leaders who do not play the rotten politics to get elected to the admin posts. Some of the leaders spend a lot of money in order to retain their posts The present system of election should be completely eliminated. We should prepare and groom our capable and qualified youngsters to take the baton to the next generation. There are many groups in our midst and only few of them wants to be the followers of Lord Jesus Christ WHO CAME TO SERVE AND NOT TO BE SERVED.

6. SUFFERING AND LAYING DOWN OUR PRECIOUS LIVES. The present young generation slowly moves away from Lord Jesus us seeing our personal lives . Many of our leaders do NOT LIVE AS PER THEIR PREACHING AND THUS GOD CANNOT CONFIRM THE WORD WITH SIGNS AND WONDERS. We should teach our young and old people to suffer for Christ and even ready to lay down their Phi: 1:21“for to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain”.

7. PRAYER LIFE – All servants of God at least should get up at 0500 hours in the morning and spend 2 hours in constant prayer for co servants and children of God and also for the salvation of the people of India. Then all believers should be instructed to spend at least half hours from 1030 to 1100 pm for the salvation of India. Only prayers warriors can bring India to Christ. When we pray with pain and tears our God will rise up and attract souls to Him. All our crusades and conventions will become fruitful if prayers are there in the back.

8. PERSONAL EVANGELISATION – The servants of God and believers should be instructed to take gospel to different persons and also the distribution of tracts on daily basis. Every year a six months Biblical training is to be given every believer of 14 age and above.

9. ADVERTISEMENT IN THE LOCAL PAPERS: Christian messages are to be given in the Local News papers attracting the attention of ordinary people.

10. VISITING HOSPITALS AND JAILS: The people are suffering in the hospitals and jails. It is the right time to visit and console them with the love of Lord Jesus Christ.

11. BRING ALL PENTECOSTAL UNDER ONE UMBRELLA – Serious s and sincere efforts should be done from time to time to make fellowship and communication with other Pentecostal churches as to find out ways to reach gospel to the unreached areas. At present we do not have any such fellowship with others. Many people work hard but there is no fruitful result at all.

12. DIVORCE RATE INCREASES IN OUR MIDST – If we closely look we can find out many of our youngsters have taken divorce in their married lives. There should be a system where we should have premarital counseling centers to advise our young boys and girls. We have to keep SPIRITUAL MENTORS even for our junior, senior Pastors and also for the believers who face unexpected problems in their lives.

Last but not least, we have to separate few minutes in every spiritual gathering to cry unto ALMIGHTY GOD to attract souls to Lord Jesus Christ and also to pour out His immense grace and power to lead a holy, simple and humble life as Lord Jesus lived.

I wrote the above because I have a great burden for the perishing souls and great respect for our real dedicated and sincere leaders and children of God who really work for His kingdom without expecting any applause from the fellowmen. We should carve out some solid plans to include our young and capable persons to take part in the gospel work. We should use the talents of our School and College going children and also the young work force who deals with the elite and educated community.

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