‘Dust of the Empire’ sweep it clean first!

Pray Europe follows lead of Hungary, not the Vatican: 

AbortionCatholicHomosexualityHungaryPolandPope Francis

This http://almayasabdam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/James-Kottor.jpgis a very thought provoking article! It has to be read against the background of  the FIRE that crippled Notre Dame, and the serious thinking going on to repair or rebuild it reflecting the vision of its original builders or the modern vision of what Paris and Notre Dame should project to the modern world!

It also deals with a whole lot of issue and new thinking introduced by Pope Francis, during his past years as pope. To what extend are they a continuation  of the policy of Popes till now and to what extent are they in conflict with them or an improvement on what is taught and practiced till now? These are some of the questions raised.

Constantly Reformed?

After all the ONE current watch-word or slogan that guides the church ever since the Vatican II is: “Ecclesia Semper reformanda” (Churc is to be constantly reformed) Reform or change means throwing away outdated believes and practices. This is in total conflict with the pre-Vatican or Ottaviani motto: “Ecclesia Semper Idem”, Church will remain unchanged always! Even development of Doctrine taught by Cardinal Newman was not kindly received.

The 21 century did not start, they say, 19 years ago, but with the burning of Notre Dame! So they  say, the repaired material rebuilding of Notre Dame should reflect the new spiritual and doctrinal vision of the  Catholic Church. The article below high lights at least a dozen or more areas where Pope Francis is stepping forward and bringing in changes.  This is resisted by the traditionalists. Benedict’s letter is a clear example.

200 years behind times

That is why former Cardinal Martini of Milan, one of the active members of St. Gallen Maffia said, the Church is 200 years behind times. Pope Francis, to some extent, more a product of this Maffia or the Holy spirit working through it, has to move forward with his new agenda, whether the conservatives and traditionalists like it or not.

The article below is pretty long and issues rased too many. So we don’t comment on any of them now, but intent to take up one by one to help readers digest them properly. We have to hurry up slowly. Can’t stretch our legs forward before we sit down. One thing must be done and the other not omitted.

In the way of the cross!

Whatever be the case, the Church is goring through the way of the cross and crucifixion. Physically and materially we saw it happening this past Holy week as everyone looked at the  fires burning down Notre Dame. Now the Church has to be helped to resurrect. It cannot do this with all the Constantenian structures weighing it down.

Has our present Pope Francis with one lung and the motto “a poor chrch for the poor” and that “Poverillo” of Assisi trying might and main the repair the Church of  “Damiano” in ruines any chance to succeed? That is what all are looking forward to. Assisi’s Francis failed to reconstruct Damiano Church, but succeeded in the spiritual reconstruction of the universal Church. Present architects may succeed in the material reconstruction of Notre Dame.

Dust of Empire: Biggest Question!

But what about the spirituao reconstruction of the universal Church? This is the BIGGEST QUESTION! Good Pope John the XXiii called the Vatican II first and foremost to cleanse the DUST OF THE EMPIRE accumulated on the throne of Peter ever since the Constantine! This is the unfinished work and recall our repeated and repeated REMINDERS that no reform whatever is impossible in a Church of Constantine.

Persons like Benedict are acting like ‘Dog in the manger’ neither will they eat the hay nor will they allow the Cattle Class like us to eat it. Peter’s Trone? True Peter denied Jesus thrice. But before ascending this throne he went to the other extreme: got himself crucified head down saying: not worthy. Recall Francis saying: ‘I am a sinner!’ and stays at St.Marthas, outside Vatican Royal palace.

Gold & Silver, I have none!

Peter coming out of jail was asked for alms by a lame man outside and his reply was: “Gold and silver, I have none, what I have I give: Get up & walk away in the name of JESIS! And he got up and walked away praising God. That is why Bishops, Cardinals and Popes like Benedict, sticking to Gold, silver and red shoes and socks and have nothing else to give – Francis did not want to change even his old shoes and socks – and all our bishops sticking tightly to all external titles, perks and previleges like Red hat, appallations like ‘Ecellency, Eminence..’

Impossible for any reform with Eminences rolling in the dust of the Empire and acting like dogs, not gods, in the manger! Awful lot to write, but  not now. First let them get weighty DUST like Benedict, out of the precincts of the throne of Peter. Francis got himself out from the start to St. Marthas. More later!

Prayerfully go through!

So please go through the article below carefully and find out which are the priority issues to be treated first and how, to help us and everyone else reach a consensus. What is important is not what the main headline says, that Europe follows the lead of Hungry, but  follows the SON OF MAN in the Gospels whose goal was to create a Humane Humanity of Love and care, Peace and Fraternity with out Berlin walls to block boarders between peoples and nations. james kottoor, editor CCV.

Read below truely a mind bogling Article on  Rebuilding the  Church!

Stephen Kokx

Stephen Kokx in LifeSight, Sept.26, 2018

 September 26, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent interview with journalist Edward Pentin, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Stzijjártó said his country wants to “preserve Europe as a Christian Europe” and that they would like Hungary to remain a “Christian nation.”

Speaking about immigration, Szijjártó told the veteran reporter, “We are sure that this migratory crisis endangers the Christian heritage of Europe.”Such remarks stand in stark contrast to those Pope Francis has made.

In his 2016 acceptance speech for the Charlemagne Prize, an award given to those who help bring about European “unification,” Pope Francis said, “I dream of a new European humanism” where “being a migrant is not a crime.”Francis repeated his “dream” a year later while addressing 27 European heads of state at the Vatican. “As leaders, you are called to blaze the path of a new European humanism made up of ideals and concrete actions," he said.

In 2014, he called on European Parliament to rediscover its memory, its courage, and “a sound and humane utopian vision.” In brief, the future Pope Francis wants for Europe and the future Mr. Szijjártó’s country wants for Europe couldn’t be more different. The continent now faces, as Ronald Reagan once said in 1964, a “time for choosing.”

Europe at a crossroads

As it stands currently, Hungary, Poland, and a few other courageous nations are resisting the international left’s efforts to tear asunder their Christian identity by opening their borders, flooding them with mass migration, and imposing on them homosexuality, secularism, and feminism.

Fortunately, some Churchmen recognize these orchestrated attacks for what they are. Bishop Athanasius Schneider told an Italian newspaper in July that there is a “long-prepared plan by international powers to radically change the Christian and national identities of the European peoples.”

There also exists in Europe the likes of Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and George Soros, globalists who want Europe’s identity wrapped up in ethnic and religious “diversity,” the gay agenda, socialism, abortion on demand, radical environmentalism, and so on.But even the Dalai Lama, who supports same-sex “marriage,” believes concerns with immigration aren’t unfounded.

At a conference in Sweden two weeks ago, the Tibetan octogenarian told his audience  that “Europe belongs to the Europeans” and that refugees should return to their native lands to begin the rebuilding process.Germany “cannot become an Arab country,” he said. “Germany is Germany.”

Christ would surely agree. His family, after fleeing into Egypt for a brief while, returned to Nazareth. They didn’t stay and receive subsidized housing.

The path forward

The battle between secular EU technocrats and Christian nationalists has reached a boiling point.Hungary is being threatened with severe sanctions by the European Union that may force it to recognize homosexual “marriage” and accept Muslim immigrants.

Likewise, Poland has faced strong opposition from the EU for trying to ensure their country upholds Christian values. Its parliament is currently in the beginning stages of instituting a new holiday commemorating the Christianization of their country in the 10th century.In the midst of this titanic battle for the heart and soul of Europe lies Rome.

Historically, popes have defended the rights of sovereign nations and encouraged, as Pope Benedict did, Europe to recognize its dependence on God.

But not Francis.

Sure, in 2015 the pope called for a “Christian humanism” – a vague, ambiguous, and ultimately self-contradictory concept if there ever was one. But his disdain for “populism,” his embrace of population control activists, and his support for radical environmentalism and open borders have aligned him more closely with the agenda of the secular international left than with the God-fearing leaders of Hungary and Poland.

Multiculturalism undermines Christianity

At the heart of the Gospel according to Francis is a phrase His Holiness invokes quite frequently — “unity in diversity.”

It just so happens that “unity in diversity” is the official motto of the European Union.

But unity in diversity – code for multiculturalism – is a farce. To be sure, as Aquinas said, God created variety among his creatures. But it is in Jesus Christ, His Son, that we overcome our natural differences and become one supernaturally. The EU wants to “unite” us not in this way but under a new age Tower of Babel where God is denied his rightful place among the nations.

Cultures, and their customs, can and should be judged according to their embrace or rejection of Christianity. If they lack the true faith, proselytism is needed. The reason why is obvious. Other than saving souls from eternal damnation, Christianity has the secondary effect of elevating the social norms, art, music, literature, architecture, etiquette, and the entirety of a nation’s public life.

Islam does not bring anything of objective spiritual value to Europe. Christianity there will not be enriched by dialoguing with it. If Europe doesn’t soon realize this, she may soon find herself damaged beyond repair.Former British Prime Minister David Cameron appeared to grasp this when, in 2011, he admitted “state multiculturalism” had failed. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy echoed the same sentiments less than a month later.

“We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him,” Sarkozy said during an interview.Politicians and clergymen who believe a hodgepodge of religiously diverse peoples will lead to a thriving, flourishing Europe are gravely mistaken.

As Peter Kwasniewski argued in an essay for LifeSiteNews recently, a religiously “neutral” public square inevitably turns into an anti-Christian one. Why? Because Christ himself said without Him we can do nothing. No nation, in other words, can stand on its own two feet for long if it publicly refuses to recognize Christ as its King.Viktor Orbán knows this. Pope Francis doesn’t.

What’s next?

In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima spoke about an “annihilation of nations.” Many believed this to be a reference to Communism and atomic warfare.

Could it also have been a reference to the “annihilation” of the Christian identity of European nations in the 21st century? Could it have been a warning about the promotion of multiculturalism and “unity in diversity” in historically Christian lands?


It’s also fairly certain that the Vatican will not put an end to it anytime soon.The Pope could not be clearer in his remarks to European leaders. He’s not interested in urging them to embrace Christianity. Rather, his actions and words indicate he wants them to accept a lowest-common-denominator, syncretistic, humanistic religion that, at the end of the day, is not that dissimilar from the one the global ruling class seeks to impose.

Consider also that the current Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the rumored front-runner to succeed Pope Francis, has been palling around with and spouting the same talking points as the architects of the godless new world order.

Just this year he visited the shadowy Bilderberg gathering. Before that, in 2017, he spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In 2016, during an address at the United Nations, he expressed consternation about European countries that aren’t welcoming migrants.

If elected as the next pope, Parolin will undoubtedly keep the Catholic Church as a cog in the globalists’ machinery. Hungary and Poland have laid out their vision for the future of Europe. Pope Francis has laid out his.

Let’s pray that the Holy Father joins those countries, and, like his predecessors, takes up the cause of defending Christianity in Europe against Islamic invaders once again. As unlikely as that sounds, miracles do happen.

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